WMC.Ai Platform Has Been Recognized in Gartner's Market Guide for Competitive and Market Intelligence Tools  |  LEARN MORE

WMC ROI Calculator

Drive your business growth with high value market intelligence.

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  • Prevent Revenue Loss

    Respond immediately to competitor product, promotion and pricing changes to protect your sales pipeline.

  • Improve Decision Making

    Inform your strategic decisions with the latest market and competitor intelligence to ensure you are leading your sector.

  • Win More Business

    Ensure you have a stronger proposition, messaging and customer journey to keep ahead of competitors.

WMC ROI Calculator

Estimate the financial benefits of using the WMC service to win more business


Average Number of New Business Opportunities Per Month

% of New Opportunities Lost To Competitors

B2B Industry Average Between 10% & 40%

Average Client LifeTime Value

Average Clients Lost Each Month To Competitors

Average LifeTime Revenue Lost Each Month

% of Lost Business That Would Be Won When Using WMC

Number of Opportunities

Monthly Revenue Protection Opportunity

WMC Monthly Cost


*ROI Calculation Example
Net profit = 14,400 - 2,000 = ROI = Net Profit / Cost of Service x 100 = 620%

“Gartner says 80% of B2B sales interactions between suppliers and buyers will occur via digital channels by 2025.”

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Total Sales Last Year

% New Business Lost To Competitors

Value of Lost Business

Using WMC Intel To Win More Clients

Value of Won New Business via WMC

WMC Cost


*ROI Calculation Example
Net profit = 500,000 - 24,000 = 476,000 ROI = 476,000 / 24,000 x 100 = 1983%

"61% of businesses report that competitive intelligence has directly contributed to an increase in revenue" (SCIP)

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Total Target Student Population

Across all regional / similar unis

Total Students At Own Uni

% Of Students Won

Lifetime Revenue Per Student

Increase Students Through Using WMC

Total New Students

Additional Revenue

WMC Cost


*ROI Calculation Example
Net profit = 945,000,000 - 24,000 = 944,976,000 ROI = 944,976,000 / 24,000 x 100 = 3,937,400%

"73% companies dedicate a fifth of their marketing budgets towards competitor research and analysis"

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Start Tracking Digital Channels And Grow Your Revenue Now

  • Book A Demo

  • See WatchMyCompetitor in action. We'll run a no-obligation demo of WMC, so you can visualise how it will work for your organisation.

  • Sign-Up

  • Tell us your challenge, answer a few simple questions and leave our market analysts to set up your WMC dashboard.

  • Gain Your Advantage

  • Track your competitors in real-time. Access the most relevant, timely and actionable insights. Outsmart your competition.

See The Complete Competitor Intelligence Platform In Action

Book a demo and see exactly how the WMC Competitor Intelligence platform can help you protect and
grow revenue.

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