Create A Data-Driven
Expansion Strategy -
Formulate and execute growth plans that factor in different markets' complexities and competitor strategies in real-time.
Inform Global, Regional
And Local Strategies -
Access essential insights from a global, regional or local market perspective including competitive, regulatory and market intelligence to build effective strategies.
Embark On Strategic
Partnerships -
Seek out the right types of partnerships, mergers or acquisition opportunities in new markets to accelerate growth and market share.
Key Benefits Of Using WMC
As Part Your Company's Expansion Strategy
Automated Competitor Tracking
Enable your teams to understand and respond to the latest partnerships, takeovers, mergers and regulatory changes in real-time, as part of your expansion plans into new markets.
Automated TrackingHigh-Level Insights For Different Markets
Access regular insight reports, tailored to your teams' needs, in order for them to validate their expansion strategies and enhance their decision-making.
Insight ReportsPrepare For Global Threats And Opportunities
Receive real-time alerts that impact your company's operations at home or abroad, ensuring your teams can swiftly tailor their strategies according to the latest developments.
Daily Alerts
Have Automated Intel Delivered To Your Teams
Directly Into Their
Integrates With Your Workplace Tools

Competitive Intelligence
& Company Expansion Strategy
Want To Know More About Strategy Intelligence?
Book a free demo to find out more about WMC and how it can benefit your Strategic Plans.