Perfect Your Customer
Journey Map -
Enable your marketing strategies to be actively aligned with the industry best practices, by understanding how competitors attract, convert and retain customers in real-time.
Dynamic Pricing &
Promotions -
Ensure your offerings remain the most compelling on the market, by using daily insights of competitors' to capitalise on the latest market pricing and promotional trends.
The Right Channels & Messaging
Avoid guesswork and ensure your budget yields the best returns.
Use data to identify which marketing channels and messaging approaches are optimum for potential customers.
Benefits Of Using WMC
For Your Marketing Intelligence Strategy
Focus On Marketing Tasks That Matter
Enable your marketing team to solely focus on key tasks that will help you grow market share, by providing them with a continuous flow of intelligence they need, without additional effort.
Automated TrackingValidate Strategies With Industry Expertise
Provide your decision-makers with deep insights, prepared by industry experts, about your competitors' next moves, and ensure their marketing strategies stand up to scrutiny.
Intelligence ReportsEnhance Your Marketing Budget's ROI
Discover which channels are working for your competitors and emulate them. Give your team powerful analytics, so they can refine their multi-channel strategy and maximise engagement.
Industry Trends
Have Automated Intel Delivered To Your Teams
Directly Into Their
Integrates With Your Workplace Tools

Using Competitive Insights
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About Customer Success Monitoring?
Book a free demo to find out more about WatchMyCompetitor and how it can benefit your customer success monitoring.