Inform Your Sales
Strategies -
Gain an advantage over the competition and improve your sales performance.
Access insights about your competitors' strengths, weaknesses, promotions and direction.
Respond Faster
To Competitor Changes -
Enable your sales teams to respond rapidly to competitor promotions, pricing and product changes.
From new product launches to price competition, respond to protect and grow your revenue
Tailor Your Sales
Messaging -
Get your message right by understanding what's working in the market.
Understand your competitors' approach to targeting and identify where and how you can win.
The Benefits Of Using WMC
As Part Of Your Sales Enablement Strategy
Automated Competitor Tracking
Ensure your sales team understands the competitive landscape. Help them respond to the latest competitor promotions, product launches and messaging changes.
Automated TrackingSales Proposition Aligned With The Market
Get your sales propositions right by using battlecards to concisely compare your organisation's strengths and weaknesses versus your competitors.
BattlecardsValidate Sale Strategies With Powerful Insights
Provide sales leaders with powerful insight reports, written by industry experts. Ensure their major plans are backed up by real-time intelligence.
Intelligence Reports
Have Automated Intel Delivered To Your Teams
Directly Into Their
Integrates With Your Workplace Tools

Competitive Intelligence
& Sales Enablement Strategies
Want To Know More About Sales Intelligence?
Book a free demo to find out more about WMC and how it can benefit your Sales organisation.