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Data Harvesting

The Only Data Harvesting Tool You Need

Automatically capture and standardise data from across the entire markets you operate in. Powerful reporting allows you to immediately react to competitor price and product changes.

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Safeguard Your Data In A Secure Warehouse For Future Use

  • Automated Collection of Competitors' Data

  • The Right Data To Make Informed Decisions

  • Grow Revenue With Intelligence That Matters

Why Do You Need A Data Harvesting Tool?

A data harvesting tool helps you collate and store important data concerning your competitors. From pricing to messaging, it captures and stores data that can be used by different teams.

Let Data Inform Your Strategy

Use data that's automatically captured and stored to easily benchmark your proposition versus your competitors.

Ensure your marketing, sales and product proposition remain competitive.

Let Your Team Focus On Core Tasks

Eliminate manual tracking from your organsation.

Let your team focus on key tasks that generate revenue, by making the valuable data easily accessible from a single source.

Make Data Available Across Your Company

Our powerful data harvesting and data reporting engines can be easily shared across your organisation, allowing colleagues in different teams to drive business growth.

Get Started With Data Harvesting

  • Book A Demo

  • See WatchMyCompetitor in action. We'll run a no-obligation demo of WMC, so you can visualise how it will work for your organisation.

  • Sign-Up

  • Tell us your challenge, answer a few simple questions and leave our market analysts to set up your WMC dashboard.

  • Gain Your Advantage

  • Track your competitors in real-time. Access the most relevant, timely and actionable insights. Outsmart your competition.

Stay Ahead On-The-Go

See The Complete Competitor Intelligence Platform In Action

Book a demo and see exactly how the WMC Competitor Intelligence platform can help you protect and
grow revenue.

Schedule Your Demo