Marlin Business Services Corp.

Marlin Business Services Corp. Website Screenshot

Marlin Business Services Corp. Company Intro

We're the small business lender.


Financial Services

Marlin Business Services Corp. Headquaters

300 Fellowship Road
Mount Laurel,08054
United States

Marlin Business Services Corp. Share price

17 May 2023 13:33 GMT


0.0 (0 %)

Marlin Business Services Corp. Market cap




Marlin Business Services Corp. # 41

Credit Services

Latest Marlin Business Services Corp. News

WMC Market Score

WMC Market to Revenue Score

Marlin Business Services Corp. Market Financials

Revenue, Expenses, Profit

Company Currency Revenue Expense Profit Market Cap WMC Sector Score
Marlin Business Services Corp. USD $93,079 N/A $18,926 $ 0.00 41
American Express Company USD $34,112,000 N/A $4,909,000 $1,103,040B 1
Capital One Financial Corporation USD $27,841,000 N/A $7,031,000 $347,250B 2
PayPal Holdings, Inc. USD $22,869,000 $6,978,000 $5,215,000 $678,460B 3
Visa Inc. USD $21,354,000 $3,108,000 $10,662,000 $4,836,810B 4

Market Analytics

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Total Marlin Business Services Corp. Social Followers vs Top 4 Industry Competitors

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Marlin Business Services Corp. Digital Footprint By Change Rate vs Top 4 Industry Competitors

Marlin Business Services Corp. WMC Market Score Calculations

Details Revenue Total Social Followers Total Social Posts Search Volume Digital Footprint Size Digital change (New Pages) WMC Market Score
Marlin Business Services Corp. 0.27 0.03 5.87 0 0 0 2.68
American Express Company 100 44.43 75.95 100 0 0 100
Capital One Financial Corporation 81.62 22.31 100 18 0 0 63.81
PayPal Holdings, Inc. 67.04 34.35 91.12 2 0 0 58.06
Visa Inc. 62.60 100 1.70 21 0 0 55.65